

Accountant’s office in Barcelona – XTERNA. Having updated accounting and financial statements of the company provides a sense of control and confidence in the company, which allows a substantial improvement of decisions for your business, maximizing its profitability. At Xterna we will help you maintain total control of your company, providing you with the relevant accounting information and its correct interpretation in a timely manner.

Accounting for PYMES in Barcelona


Our services as an accounting consultant:
asesoria contable barcelona





Since 1996 we have made available to clients our knowledge and experience in the areas of corporate administration and legal compliance. Since then we have become a reference provider in this type of BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) services, providing services to both national and international companies in the different areas of tax, accounting, labor and financial advice.. This is why more than 170 companies entrust us with these functions, because we provide fast and personalized attention and deliver results above their expectations, at a much lower cost. With our service you will obtain a quick response, reduction of errors, proximity in advice and initiatives on our part, all this with an intensive use of technology when required. You will gain time and peace of mind, you will obtain savings in structure, tax and labor costs, you will reduce risks, and we will provide ideas for the improvement and growth of your business, gaining control over the results of your company, and confidence in its growth and evolution.


On XTERNA Solutions on Outsourcing SLP’s clear objective is to simplify the lives of companies and the people who are part of them, and we work every day to encourage them to be their best version. As an accounting consultant barcelona and gestoria contable barcelona we offer a unique service to your company paying attention to each of your accounts, how to approach them and advise you on the best option for you, we are exhaustive when rendering our services, contact us now!
asesoria y gestoria contable barcelona

Advantages of having an accounting firm

The main advantages of having an accounting consultancy are the following: – Improve the real knowledge of your business. – Reduce the fiscal impact on your company. – Thanks to the accounting data, you will be able to make better strategic and operative decisions. – Increase the profitability of your business. – Avoid penalties from the AEAT. – Provides information and guidance to decide whether or not to make investments that will lead your company to greater economic growth. – It favors time and cost savings, since by delegating these functions, the company will be able to focus on high-value activities.

Frequently Asked Questions - Consultancy and agency in Barcelona

The accounting advisor is dedicated to the accounting of a company. Its basic functions are to analyze and measure the economic situation of a company, seeking to optimize its management. In addition to providing useful information for decision making, an accounting consultant is in charge of recording, classifying and organizing all the operations of a company in order to know its flow of income and expenses.
Although both options can be good, except in large companies, we recommend outsourcing the accounting advisory service. Large companies usually integrate their own accounting department into their staff, but in SMEs it is much more profitable to outsource this service.
The General Accounting Plan or PGC regulates the accounting principles and activities of Spanish companies. It is the legal text that regulates accounting, and was updated on November 16, 2007 to adapt it to European accounting regulations.
Getting an accounting advisor is essential because it will help the entrepreneur during the daily management of his business. The accounting department is undoubtedly one of the most important departments in a company. The accountant is responsible for the legal analysis and financial management of a company. Their functions are key to contribute to the success of a company.
No, a manager and an accountant perform different tasks within the same company. The accountant manager is an expert who knows and performs the necessary procedures for the company, while the accountant advisor is the one who assists in decision making. In Xterna, accountant and accounting consultancy in Barcelona, we have both managers and advisors ready to accompany your company in its journey.

The price of accounting consulting services may vary depending on the size of your company or SME and the services you want to hire. If you decide to have an accounting consultancy in Barcelona for your company, contact us so we can analyze your case and give you a personalized quote that suits your needs as a company.

Having all the updated and accurate accounting helps your company or SME to make certain decisions that require compliance with tax and legal obligations.

You can avoid sanctions with public administrations.

In addition, it will also be useful for you to see the financial performance of your company and make decisions for the future.